Sunday, March 24, 2013

Some random thoughts

Just some random thoughts for the night.
  • You'll do things to your hair that you regret, and some you don't
  • Sometimes you have to not care what people think about your decisions if you know they're right
  • Long drives are fun...until they're too long
  • A man should always tell his girlfriend she's beautiful, even if she's wearing sweatpants and a hoodie
  • The above doesn't mean that you shouldn't look nice ever
  • Procrastination is okay, until it's not.
  • Some ministry classes do just what it sounds like- they can minister really well.  Others...well, if you get one of those classes you'll understand.
  • I like my room clean, can't study if it's not. But five minutes after I'm done with homework/studying it stops being clean
  • I've had to learn (sometimes the hard way) which fights to fight and which ones to walk away from
  • Your parents still love you, even if they don't know how to show it all the time (okay, ever).
  • The future can be a scary thing.  I will always be thankful however, that I do not know what is coming.
  • Career (and major) changes can be scary, but oftentimes totally worth it
  • Some people come in to your life for a season, but then they leave.  That doesn't mean that you can't trust people.
  • In college you'll have some awesome professors and some that will make you want to rip your hair out.
  • As a college student, it is acceptable to eat a meal at midnight and stay up until all hours of the night.  Not so much when on break or as you enter the real world.
  • Just because a college associates with a Christian culture does not mean that the administration will make their decisions based on Biblical principles or that the students are Christians.
  • As one person recently put it as someone was describing my "Christian school"  'Your school just needs Jesus'
  • Sometimes Christians are the worst at making people feel left out and judged.
  • Sometimes your friends will help you out when you refuse just because they love you.
  • A sister will always be there- even when you sound ridiculous and are in a bad mood
Last but not least:
  • Your family may not be biological, but if you call them family, it's probably because they act like family with you.  They can be brutally honest or exceptionally loving and you stick together through everything.

1 comment:

  1. That's sad that the administration doesn't make biblical decisions = /
    It's interesting how we can want to know our future, yet at the same time be thankful that we don't know parts - some would be too much to handle, and other parts will make good surprises =)
